# Bringing Additional Content without Interruption If you follow the learnings from the [[Lessons from game design]], then you know that knowledge must be broken down into bite-sized chunks and delivered in increments to encourage engagement. Sometimes, however, this is just not enough and you need to make sure that your users have a quick access to additional content that they can consume at their own convenience. You can do this easily with GRAVITY by adding additional content to the Callout or simply adding a 'Read more' button. # Additional Content Using videos and images can be a powerful tool in delivering more detailed explanations, process diagrams or direct links to further reading material. Use variety of media to make learning more engaging. ![[additional_content.png]] *Image 1 - Additional Content* Best practice recommendations for additional content: - **Images**: Easily deliver sophisticated workflow diagrams or process flows - **Video**: Increase engagement with visual and audio learners by providing quick tutorials and explanations in video format - follow TikTok's golden rule of keeping the message between 15 and 60 seconds and deliver your message quickly and clearly! - **iFrames**: collect qualitative feedback or include quick knowledge tests with iFrames - **Quick Navigation**: Make additional content easily available when relevant by adding up to 5 quick navigation links in strategic locations so users do not waste time looking for it. # Read more Adding a Read More button to your Callout opens up a world of possibilities. You can add external links providing additional resources or links to your internal Wiki or Documentation page. This allows you to keep your Callout short, but still point users to further resources they can consume as needed. ![[read_more.mp4]] *Video 1 - Read more* **** Read more: [[Use Cases]] [[First Steps in GRAVITY]]